Earth Building Workshops 2024

Introduction to Natural Building and Sustainable Design Course

Barbara, founder of Mount of Oaks, will teach several courses in 2024, full length and some shorter introductions – and one course designed specifically for women.

Here is a little about the 8 day courses…

Barbara says, ‘The main focus will be on the theory and practice of working with EARTH. You will learn the basics of COB, CORDWOOD, WATTLE & DAUB, ADOBE BRICKS, LIGHT EARTH SLABS, EARTHBAGS, EARTH AND LIME PLASTERS and other finishes. Yes, all these in 8 days.’

8 Day Introduction to Natural Building Courses

EARTH BUILDING FOR WOMEN 4-7TH JUNE and 11-14th JUNE (break in the middle to rest or go home)

EARTH BUILDING WORKSHOP 2-5th JULY and 9-12th JULY (break in the middle to rest or go home)

EARTH BUIDLING WORKSHOP 30th JULY – 2nd AUGUST and 6-9th AUGUST (break in the middle to rest or go home)

Short Natural Building Courses

Introduction to LIME PLASTER and TADELAKT workshop 26 – 28 March

Thatch Roof with Broom Workshop 23 – 25 April

Earth Plaster and Lime Plaster workshop 27th August – 30th August

For the forms to book these workshops, click on the dates in the events and see more details on the daily program.