Growing a new economy

This week saw the book launch in Covilha of a practical and inspiring new book offerings some vision of a new greener and more sustainable economy.

The co-author, Roar Bjonnes outlined the integral solutions offered in the book to our current economic problems. It was really fascinating to listen to Roar. This gentleman, who is a long term environmental activist and researcher, shared what is fundamentally wrong with the current systems – and offer some practical vision and ways to put the environment at the center of our practices, not something else for us to commodify!

We were a group of over 30 people who came to listen. The launch was organised by members of the Prout Research Institute, and was introduced by Professor Andre Barata of the University of Beira Interior.

For more information on how to get hold of the book, check the website –

Well done Francisco and Alexandre for your efforts and super translation!

This was a follow-up event from the brilliant conference that Prout organised in Covilha last year. To read a little about, check this blog.