Mini Review of 2024

Here is a bit of a review of 2024 that gives a general of a sense of the year we have had up until mid Nov. If you go to Barbara’s personal facebook ( or her instagram account, you will find many photos and videos that bring this report to life via images. There is also a fb page for Mount of Oaks with some snaps too What I have done below is to attempt draw a few highlights together….


In the Winter of 2023 we had Tomas come from 10th Dec – 11th January 2024 to farm-sit while Barbara and Emma visited Angola. Tomas completed the apprenticeship earlier in 2023 and then came back to land and animal sit. We were incredibly grateful for his care of the land and the animals – both dogs and the 3 cats all slept in the common space with the warmth of the fire and cuddles from Tomas!!

As it turned out none of those who applied for the internship were able to commit in 2024. We received Soraia for a couple of weeks in April to volunteer, and the rest of the year we (Emma and Barbara) managed the hosting, courses, land and animals ourselves. This was not ideal, yet it was a year for recognising and feeling the different areas and the needs of the land and new animals, plus dreaming into being some new projects – such as Primative Camp and Crescent Moon Crew – more about those later… We were super grateful to enjoy the fruits of 2023 in the garden – Tomas did an incredible job at planting brassicas. We were eating huge cauliflower and brocoli end of Winter into the beginning of Spring – well done worms, soil and the soulful work of this precious brother!


Our open season began on 25th February with the first of the Singing Circles. These we have been hosting with our local circle for the last 4 years – at a time they were weekly, and this last year they have been bi-weekly gatherings. In February we were meeting at 5-7pm in the Common Space, lighting our candles, listening to our intentions and prayers and making music together. As the year went on we have met another 22 times, and moved time and locaton to the N’jango when the weather warmed up. As we consider this more of a closed circle, it was beautiful to witness how generously the group opened this sacred time to guests who requested to take part.

So our first residential activity was a Lime and Tadelakt Workshop in March just before Easter. This included a mixture of local friends/associates and two ladies who had travelled up from Alentejo for the course. More pictures from the final result of our TADELAKT Introductory course @mountofoaks …You can also see more professional photos from our friend Keri who also did the course…she is an amazing photographer among many other things (Pass:crackiscrack). Kirsty also made us part of one of her videos from her Youtube Channel “Portugal from Scratch” and you can also check’s the middle part..

March continued with the work in the forest and sowing seeds in the polytunnel and preparing for arrival of guests on retreat – Rik from Netherlands and Julie from Lancaster – both came overland via train and bus. At Easter we had the visit of Kathy and Colin and the kids from Edinburgh. Together we planted 2 new fruit trees – a pomegranet and a pecan, complete with names (oops I forget them!!)

In April we organised a Herbal Yoga Journey with Daisy May, input from Olli and the star of the mini retreat was Nettle! There were 12 beings who took part and it was a beautiful mixture of sensorial herbalism, movement, nourishment and laughter.

As the days warmed and lengthened, the Bell Tents went up and we welcomed the return of Eva, Isik and their Yoruk Residency. 10 beings, mostly from Scotland, England and Germany delved into the transformational work for 5 days together. The title of this gathering was ‘Voyage to the New Dawn’ and included another magical trip to the Gardunha. (


Barbara taught another 2 natural building workshops in June and July which were 8 day courses – introductions to Earth Building. In June the course supposedly for women ended up including Phillipe, who was clearly not a woman!! Here are some links from Ba’s “>here or “>facebook page… and “>here

In Summer we hosted more families, Dane, Jilly and their boys; Juran, Ulli and their kids; our mums, cousins and Edna and our twin nephews! It was busy to juggle time with friends, family and the normal daily routines of the garden, animals and usual daily activities of cooking, cleaning and harvesting and transforming the garden produce!

In August we also hosted Dearbhla, Jule and Rachel as part of a Creative Residency based around our overlapping loves of Food Jusice, Herbalism, Health and Healing and practices of land Commons. These were really special long lush days and while we chatted Barbara continued to work on the area outside the bus and new chicks were born!

Arrival of Gerry and Tilha

At the end of August we welcomed a a male donkey, Gerry and a mare, Tilha – both about 4 years old. They needed rehoming and so it seemed that the ecosystem here and around us was ready to have these two ‘Brownies’ as part of the pack. Our aim is that we can develop a collective of walking distance farms where they can pasture, manure and be with other humans and animals… For now it is Barbara and I  looking after them alone. We have the support of an amazing horse whiperer trainer called Nina coming now weekly to help us connect and ‘join-up’ with them safely. They came from Amandine and Mark, and they still come and visit with the kids, which is great. We all envisage a time when we can walk with Gerry and Tilha in the mountain or use the cart for hauling wood around the land! It’s really hard to explain how our lives have changed since their arrival – its not just about the time dedicated to moving them almost daily, creating fencing or the training, or the new expenses we hadn’t budgeted for…’s like we adopted two new beings, and I (emma) am still getting used to this all, probably like Gerry and Tilha are getting used to us!!  Definately a different energy to the arrival of the ducks, geese or chickens!! Step by step we will create more efficient systems

As September came to a close we welcomed Helen and then, Jayne and Charotte on a retreats and only a few days later 14 ducklings were born! The ladies and the ducklings brought us lots of joy at the end of the summer season.


October began with the a visit from Catherine from Malta and the decline in Tali’s health. It was a really difficult decision, but we let Tali return to Source on 17th October and you can see a post just about that here

Normally this time of year we are super busy harvesting the olives and preparing to close for the year – we did a few things differently. We harvested for eating (currently the olives are in water and salt and herbs will be added when they are ready).

Samhaim/Halloween/All Soul’s and All Saints at the end of Oct/beginning of Nov is also Barbara’s birthday. It being her 50th, we celebrated with our usual Singing Circle and a special Sweatlodge and inaugaration of a dedicated area to honour our ancestors.


We organised 2 wild mushroom identification walks with Tristan Coverdale and it was a delight to be able to see how many edible and delicious varieties we have growing in the woods at the back of the land – on the last walk 16 different edibles were identified. We also enjoyed tasting these under the watchful eye of our local expert! Tristan also became an assocate this year, so we look forward to more offerings together with him in 2025 – there is chat of some work with miso for example!! You can see more pictures in this post.

A few weeks later we welcomed, sister Ulli Butterfly for a week. Our similar interests in peacebuilding and reconciliation had us up on the cold nights talking and praying for the world. She stayed with us to be at the AGM – and it was so special to have a friend who has visited Mount of Oaks annually since the very early days to be present for the more formal aspect of the AGM.

Soon there will be a post specifically about the AGM!

For today we want to share some exciting news …..

We will host a Permaculture Design Course taught by Sílvia Floresta from Aldeia do Vale from 11-23 March 2025!! For more details follow this link –

Wellbeing Festival: Kids+Clay, Fermenting Fun!

The bi annual Well Being Festival in Fundao was again held at the Parque de Convento this summer. There were workshops, gong baths, live cooking, stalls and lots of different types of therapies.

Many of our friends from BioEco were present, and Mount of Oaks shared 2 sessions.

In the pictures below you can see that on the Saturday I (emma) had a great time playing with the kids as part of the programme organised by Susana Carvalho. We built with clay and then made crowns from natural materials. It was brilliant to chat with the kids and their parents about how enlivening it is to play with mud, get dirty and be outside!!!


And after making a castle we made the crowns…..

On the Sunday morning Marcia Luz, Jeannette Trevethyen and I ran a fermenting workshop and tasting session. While it started with only a few participants, buy the end we were a big group of food lovers ~many with questions and comments!

Thank you to the team of organisers, in particular Paula Roque, and look forward to an even bigger crowd in 2 years time!!



Successful Natural Building Course

Last week Barbara taught another of her marvellous 8 day Natural Building Courses, at Keela Yoga Farm. The participants were an international bunch from South Africa, Portugal, UK, Italy and Holland. The team learned a variety of techniques and quickly got the chance to get their hands dirty and practice their new knowledge! Straw bale, wattle and daub, cord wood – earth plastering, just some of the variety of skills they learned!

Some of the photos below are from one of the participants – Damien Walsh, the others from Barbara’s phone, so the quality is not the best, but you get the picture (pardon the pun!)

and they sum up the fun, as well as the work that group practiced.

On the day off, mid way through the course, the group came to Mount of Oaks. We prepared a meal, and Barbara gave a tour of our natural buildings. A great way to relax.

I was grateful for the help from Tatum and the girls in preparing for the guests!!

Alexa, Sven, Stephan, John, Damian, Clara and Ugo. WELL DONE!!!!!! We look forward to seeing what you will do with what you gained on this course! Please stay in touch!

Special thanks to Kimberly and Laurence their super hosting at Keela, and for their fantastic volunteers!! The pizza night on the final night was really special.

News and Dates for Natural Building Courses taught by Barbara will be shared in the Autumn.

Economic Democracy

We took part in a two day conference on the topics of local, sustainable, innovative economy at the University in Covilha – organised by our dear and inspiring friends from the Ananda movement.

We listened to a such a range of speakers – practitioners, professors, activists, members of huge cooperatives/small cooperatives, public and private business, new models for cooperating, where the environment and social care were at the center – ……all very inspiring and lots of food for thought.

Several of us from the BioEco association went along to take part and offer our ideas and to learn what we could from other places. And that was one of the clear benefits of the gathering – to bring together many of us who are working away on little projects into one public space to imagine a future to work towards.

The action element on the second day divided us up into 3 groups to design a plan for alternative finances, developing cooperatives and encouraging more participation. Marcia went to the group focusing on the potential of setting up a co-op – and I went to the developing participation folks. More of the outcome from this in further posts!!

One of the examples given was the pilot programme in Fundao – part of the Agri-urban movement, where a primary school in our district is including organic, locally sourced produce in its school meals!

Even the more theoretical panels were super interesting – like that from Andre Barata also from UBI. When we use the word ‘strategic’ in relation to economics or life, he says, we exclude the logic of feelings from our understanding of the benefits of cooperation. In the work context care for the other must be essential, not just a model of efficiency. In his development of an economic philosophy he critiques the growth ideal – arguing that balance is missing and political action is limited. He proposes a ‘degrowth economy‘.  A ‘monoculture of time’ was the expression he used to depict our lost relation with time – living ever in the now, but with superficial, artificial consequences. Restoring our actions in time and space is best served with our mutual cooperation and collaboration he argued.

Roar Bjonnes was broadcast on the screen via skype. His theoretical approach was an explanation of the PROUT model. This interesting model is well developed and radical! The vision of cooperative economy and coordinated cooperation has the common goal of transforming the current capitalist ideals. The new economic policies that were proposed included a three tiered economy where small businesses and cooperatives are the norm. The cooperatives he gave examples of were successful in terms of return and had the balanced view that Andre had referred to previously. In Europe alone Roar shared that between 4-7million people are employed in cooperatives. Caring about working conditions, the environment and the long term personal and social development of people and place was also a strand of the PROUT model. Again another really interesting presentation.

Ana L Santos’ presentation was compelling and uplifting. She moved between different disciplines, from neuroscience, the philosophy of Kant and Spinoza, to social and evolutional psychology in order to address her three questions, namely: Why do we enter into competition in the first place? What are the advantages of cooperation? What are the conditions required for a new vision of society where cooperation is central? She explained that as a species on a personal and social level ‘competition is killing us’. When we care about the well being of others, our own well-being is effected in a positive sense. Creating social conditions where cooperation is the norm and not the exception is the vision she was proposing.

The conference was really inspiring and we were honoured to be part of it! The current examples given were extremely helpful to lay out a vision of what is possible if we want to transform the current economic and social practices into something more human and practical for the times we live and the future we want to inhabit.

Well done team from Ananda Kalayni, Master Unit and all those who helped to organise.


Chopping and Chatting

An amazing bunch of women gathered at the village hall kitchen in Povoa de Atalaia to prepare scrummy food for the Spring Gathering. Many thanks go to the creativity and care that these women gave to the preparation of the food.

But first – where did the veggies come from? LOCAL producers!

This is Vasco. He grows organic vegetables in our neighbourhood. It was a pleasure to visit him with Kevin and to harvest cabbages and select the salads we wanted.

Now, back to the ladies and our chatting and chopping…..this is about the 5th time we have cooked for large gatherings at the local village hall. Every time we seem to have more fun, create more elaborate dishes and make deeper friendships!

Nicky took charge of the Indian Spiced cauliflower rice…..yum yum!

Kimbo became the humus queen for the day – transforming chickpeas and fresh fava beans into pastes that tasted even better than they looked!! (and they looked scrummy)

Tyra, Tina and Kirsty were busy with preparing the roasted veg – chopping and chatting all the way!!

And then there was the limed onions…..

Anne had a recipe for mini veggie burgers. With the help of Kate and Suzy, together they prepared about 120!

The industrial kitchen is perfect for huge quantities….

Having a laugh and breaks were all part of it…

homemade oat cakes….

endless washing up….

Over lunch break we spoke about how social and fun it is to come together to cook together and swap recipes and tricks. Following this one of the ladies started a group to propose doing this more often – not just for large events, but more of a monthly thing.

Many many thanks to this team of incredible ladies who have made this region their home. Kate, Rena, Linda, Kimberly, Anne, Tyra, Tina, Suzy and Nicky – and our amazing volunteers Kirsty (who we are encouraging to come live here too!)


Seasonal local roasted vegetables

Mini burgers/fritata

Beetroot/fava/lemon hummus

Oat cakes

Fresh celery pesto

Spicey black bean stew

whole grain and white rice

Indian Cauliflower rice

Green and mustard salads

Linda’s tortilha wraps


Sowing Seeds of Hope

On Sunday, we took part in a joint activity with the local village council and a new association we are members of called BioEco (Association of Organic and AgroEcological Agriculture). The idea was to make a call to action and invite people to help regenerate a section of the mountain affected by the fire last summer.

February 18th was the chosen date and we all met at the Tourism Point in the center of Alpedrinha at about 10am. We were a group of about 20 people and several children. Our ages ranged from 21 months to 83 years!!! We were a mixture of Portuguese and a diverse group of those who have made this region our home – ranging from eastern Europe and Israel, to France, America and Scotland.

We pilled into a couple of vehicles and followed the major, Carlos who was driving the tractor that was carrying the seeds. We drove out of the village and up as far as we could into the mountain……

The Junta de Freguesia of Alpedrinha provided seeds of forage grasses, of fast installation and high production, to cover the soil devastated already next spring.

We had literally begun our walk from the parking place to the point where the major would distribute the seeds, when we saw a farmer and his goat herd. This was a significant reminder of why we were preforming this action – the animals that inhabit these lands need food!

Carlos had explained to the group that the rabbits, wild boar, sheep and goats that normally feed in the mountain are having a tough time, especially as there has been a scarcity of rain thus far this winter.

Carlo and Annabella distributed the seeds….

…so we all had a bucket or a bag full of grass and grain seeds….


We got a quick description of the area that we wanted to cover. This was all land commonly owned by the village, and used by local shepherds in the summer months. After which we began to scramble all over the mountain to spread the seeds…..


Can you see the seeds flying from Marcia’s hand?

Everywhere signs of the burnt trees, black charcoal…….

…..and yet signs of hope spring up from badly burnt trees…..

The scale of the fires can be seen clearly from below, but when actually in the mountain, you can feel the the post-fire scars.

Yes, there is vegetation thankfully growing back – we were amazed to see and taste some of the edible wild plants, such as wild brassicas and sorrels. But nothing like at the rate needed to support the life up there.

We had a lot of fun as well as enjoying the views and spreading the seeds!

For the younger members of the team it was a real educational opportunity. Seeing the burnt carcass of an edible chestnut tree with a breadth as wide as my arm span shocked this little man. His dad was explaining that it was hundreds of years old left him quieter than usual.

Thank you to the village of Alpedrinha for providing the seed and the support. And thanks to from BioEco for sharing the idea – may we see more such civil society actions to protect and restore the local biodiversity of this region.

Now all we need to hope for it RAIN – it has been a very dry winter so far!